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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Eric Zhang Joins the Blessing Hands Board

We have a new board member, Eric Zhang. Eric came to the US from the Yunnan Province of China in 1990. He obtained a Master’s degree in Control Systems Engineering at West Virginia Institute of Technology and also worked as an adjunct instructor for the Department of Mathematics.

There he met his wife Destiny, who was born in China but grew up in Chile. Now they have three children, Christina, Sophia and Nathaniel. Currently he teaches Chinese at the Lexington Chinese School and gives private tutoring lessons as well.

He also serves on the board of the Lexington Chinese Association and has been involved in their earthquake relief efforts. Two of our board members, Li Xiao Long and Janet Gross, have moved away, so we are delighted to have Eric’s presence and expertise on our board.

Zhenhua Sun has joined us as an advisory board member. She is the mother of two lovely girls and a education student at our local college where her husband teaches. She is from Northern China. Dr. Lina Fong, born in Hong Kong, is also joining our advisory board. She is a counselor, does adoption home studies, and works with youth exchanges among other services. She and Eric Zhang are both members of the Lexington, KY. Chinese Christian Church.