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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Yu (Jonathan) Needs a College Scholarship Sponsor

This young man would like to go to college but the tuition is $422 a year, and his family cannot afford that. He loves computers and has been accepted into a good college. Below I have pasted his application letter with some personal things edited out.

Dear Blessing Hands:

I am a high school graduate and just took my college examination in June. I am looking forward to college life and hope that I will have such an opportunity. I know how important knowledge is to people. It is knowledge that helps a society develop. Also, knowledge helped me to mature from humble beginnings.

I have been supported by Blessing Hands for two years---. The only thing that gives me courage to apply is the strong motivation that I have to study. Now the examination is over, and I have filed my choices for universities. --- My family cannot afford it. My mother told me to go ahead and just study and not worry about money while my dad didn’t say anything. ---- It takes the income of thirty farmers to support one college student. This is from a report that I read in the newspaper. ---- I cannot hold back my desire to go to college. I have been out of school for almost half of a month and have been working for a while which has caused me to realize how important knowledge is.

I very sincerely request your consideration of this application for assistance from Blessing Hands. I promise in the future that I will definitely carry the torch of Blessing Hands program of helping others. This is what I remember hearing Betty say at one of the Blessing Hands events. I also remember her saying that the purpose of helping others is not to receive something back from them but is for those who are helped to continue to help even more people also.

If you would like to help this young man go to college, you can donate through the button at the top of our blog and write us at blessinghands@gmail.com. Let's give this fellow a chance to meet his dream. His need is immediate so please decide right now.

Good News! Someone has just pledged $100 for Jonathan for his first semester in college. Maybe you want to contribute the other $150 to get him started in college.

More good news. Jonathan just got the $150 pledge and will have his first semester paid for. Now he just needs $250 for the spring semester. Maybe you will help him with that.