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Saturday, July 05, 2008

Good Search Lets you give to Blessing Hands with every search or purchase you make on-line.

GoodSearch.com and GoodShop.com

Support Blessing Hands just by searching the web or shopping online.

We have started to raise money for the Lufei Girls' Fund immediately by signing up with GoodSeach. Blessing Hands can earn money from you online without you giving a cent.

For example I just bought a wedding gift on line for a friend. Now Blessing Hands will get 2-5% of that on-line purchase as a gift from Wal-Mart.

To shop with us go to GoodSeach.com and write Blessing Hands in the selection box as the charity you want to support in GoodSearch. Then click on GoodShop and proceed to the list of stores, such as Amazon, Half.com, and Ebay, who cooperate with GoodShop.

DOWNLOAD the GoodSearch toolbar.

It's easy to earn money for Blessing Hands when you have the GoodSearch tool bar installed in your browser. GoodSearch has toolbars for Internet Explorer 6 and 7 and search box plugins for Firefox, IE7 and Safari. Click here for download instructions.

Just start using GoodSearch.com as your search engine and online shopping mall. Every time you search the Internet or make an online purchase at one of their partner merchants, GoodSearch makes a donation to us. You get good search results too, since this is a yahoo search.

If 100 people begin to search with us and make two searches a day, we will earn $730 a year. If those same people also shop on line and buy $500 worth of merchandise in a year, Blessing Hands would earn $2,230 a year in extra donations. Spread the word and even more people will search with us.

We hope you will tell folks who might join GoodSearch with us and grow Lufei's Girls' Fund.

It is something we can do to honor her continually and help other little girls like her. Everyone searches the net. Why not do something good while you search or shop? Take a little extra time to check it out. GoodSearch and Goodshop


Betty Cutts
Blessing Hands