The earthquake is not in our area of China, but again school children are dying in their schools. I want to tell you of a good charity that I know that is working in China and will be trustworthy to send your funds for earthquake relief. I have followed them for three years and found their work to be good. I am pasting part of their newsletter below with the right information where you can give. It is so cold there in the far west of China near Tibet.
Agape Way has been helping poor Chinese children in the southwest region since 1999 and has actively engaged in the Sichuan earthquake relief and reconstruction since 2008. Currently we have a team of 20 people building earthquake-proof light-steel frame houses in Sichuan and Gansu provinces. This team will switch to reconstruction in Yushu region after finishing the work in the areas.I contacted our partner in China yesterday morning. He is leaving for Yushu tomorrow, to visit earthquake victims and to set up a relief program there. I plan to go to Yushu earthquake region around June 6 during my trip in China from May 31 to July 21. Please pray for the victims and the relief efforts.
Wanbing Frank Li, Ph.D to contribute through Paypal, or write check payable to Agape Way, designated to "Yushu Earthquake Relief", and send to: Agape Way, P.O.Box 518, Chapel Hill, NC 27514.
4 New Native Health Assistants
We were so pleased when four new native health assistants were supported through our last
newsletter. Now we will have Yao helpers in 6 of the 9 villages of Longfu Township. We are writing a grant to train those 9 Yao health assistants in a 15 day workshop next July, 2011. The hospital administrator in Longfu was so excited to report that many more children are coming to be vaccinated now that the assistants are encouraging the parents to send their children for immunizations. We just lack 3 more health assistant's yearly support of $177. They will work for $15 a month which is above the $9 a month average income for the area. Mandy Ma recently visited this one room Yao lower primary school where electricity was recently installed.
Water born diseases like Hepatitis B can be attacked by water purification. We are planning tofacilitate the installation of 10 water purification units in the hospital and area schools of Longfu Township. We are writing a grant. We will be glad to send it to your foundation if you are interested.
These inexpensive units can serve the whole village and work from a car battery. You can see the device at this link. Water for the World. Tanks and batteries can be bought in China and the rest of the unit weighs 22 lbs and fits in a suitcase. It works by electrolysis and runs on table salt.
This area is suffering from drought as you can tell from the picture of their water tank below. There are no wells in this rocky area. They catch rain water. The village is really suffering.
One unit's set up can be done for around $2,000 with the basic unit costing around $1000. I would like to take the first unit this July when I visit Du'an. Would you like to make water safer for a whole village and save lives? Donate a Water Purifier.
Mr. Wei Maosong of the Du'an County Office of Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Projects has offered technical help andmatching funds to set up the first unit at the Longfu Hospital. He hopes that the units can spread to all 22 townships of Du'an and even into neighboring prefectures and provinces. This will be the first project in China for such a purification unit, although it is used in 58 other countries. It helps remote villages inpoverty areas.
Mandy Ma recently walked and climbed the two hours it takes to get to Liushan Village. She has sent pictures of homes, a one room primary school, and the larger school for older primary children who must board.
The kids were all so shy. She had gifts for them, so they finally came out of hiding. We plan to take some clothes and books to them when we go in July.
Mandy Ma was once a teacher, so she taught them songs. She said they had never had a singing lesson before. The native health assistant, Mr. Meng, watched the circle game she taught. He is the son of the local teacher. He has been a migrant worker for many years, but now he can stay home and work to improve the health of his people.
Mr. Tang Xiwen is
the head of Longfu Hospital. He hiked up to the village with Mandy Ma.
Liushan Village sends its older primary children to this central school where they board for the week. Many children do not have adequate food or medical care. We hope that will change as we begin to assist them. This school has 7 class rooms and ends at age 12.
5K Run for Families Expecting Good Weather April 24th
Registration 8:30am. Run starts at 9:30am
Auction at 11:00am, Awards soon after
Kroger Center, Morehead, KY
We are getting excited about our 5K Run on April 24th. I checked the 10 day weather forecast today, and it looks like a partly cloudy day. Last year we have to postpone the run because of lightening. It was a risk to move it to April with its showers.
Things are falling into place well. The prizes will be great this year. We have lots of door prizes and even a live auction of about 37 items. People at Kroger Center, where the run will start this year have been really been supportive. The run goes down Bluestone Road, which will be lovely this time of year.
CiCi's Pizza Buffet at Kroger Center is giving us a percentage of their lunch receipts so come on out for the auction and lunch even if you don't run. We will have 7 Chinese professional paintings in the auction. Artists in Yangshuo gave them to help us raise money for the Yangshuo kids.
Give to the Yao
There are so many opportunities to help people in China right now. Not all of China is poor, but the rural areas really need assistance. Please give to make a difference in a child's life.
You can choose from many donations on our website, or give at the Paypal link below.
We would especially like to get the 3 other villages health assistants supported.