High school kids got new T-shirts |
We gave tuitions and school aid to students of all ages in Yangshuo China including giving T-shirts to the older kids. We spent $17,586 on students in Yangshuo last school year.
This coming July, we hope to have a Friendship Camp in Yangshuo to serve both our Blessing Hands students and other students who want to come from America or China. We want to include counselors and teachers from both the USA and China. If you want more information about this camp write to this link.
Qinzhou No. 1 High School Students |
We supported tuition for 160 high school students in Qinzhou, China. $23,496 was our commitment there this past year, and we are planning the same for the present school year. We are looking for sponsors for these students. All of our other students now have sponsors. If you want to be a sponsor of a high school student go to this link. You can see photos to choose from on the same page.
University Scholarships
We gave university and college scholarships worth $23,834 to students in Yangshuo, Qinzhou, and Du'an last year. This school year we have 43 scholarship students. The photo below shows the scholarship students in Nanning, who came for a dinner with Kasey and John Randal Towles in July.
Du'an County
Health Assistant Workshop in Longfu Township |
We had a health assistant workshop in Longfu Township last summer. Janet Gross, a graduate level nurse, taught health assistants and village doctors using the book Where There is no Doctor. $10,473 went to various Du'an programs including water purifiers, the health assistant workshop, medical supplies to Longfu Hospital, and matching funds for a medical van for the hospital.
We have been asked to return next July and teach a special one day HIV training. We also will be installing at least two more water purifiers in Longfu primary schools. If you would like to give a water purifier go to this
link. You can read more about the purifiers there and give any amount you wish.
Library books, Wei Senbao medical fund, An Long tuition program, and college internship program.
An Long high school tuition students |
Wei Senbao and Leanna Gilliam,
our summer intern |
Last year w
e started a new program in An Long in Guizhou Province among the Buyi minority.
We plan to expand in that area in the future by promoting for primary school library books and musical instruments. If you want to give library books, go to this link. There are more pictures of the schools on that page also.
Wei Senbao is still too young to have his operation, but we are still getting funds ready for him. $3,155 was put into his fund this year.
Leanna Gilliam had a wonderful time last summer as a summer intern. We are selecting another intern in January to go in July of 2012. If you would like to apply, send e-mail to this link. Blessing Hands gives interns $500 per trip, but they have to pay the rest of their expenses.