Come to China
We are looking for volunteer teachers and college students to be our counselors at the Friendship Camp. If you can teach or have talent, come share with our Yangshuo students.
Contact us for more details and apply before February 20th.
Our tentative plans are to have camp for a week with our Blessing Hands students, but we also plan to make room for other students, who can pay the camp fee, which will be about $50. US high school campers are welcome, if their parents are teachers or they are traveling with an adult. It would be an opportunity for students to exchange culture and language.
Volunteers will get their room and board free at the camp unless teachers want to stay in hotels at their own expense. College student counselors should be at least 19 and willing to pay their own way to China and sleep with students in the school dorm. The camp will be at a high school campus in Yangshuo.
Beautiful Yangshuo |
Chinese translators for US counselors or teachers would get a small salary and room and board.
We are now taking applications for four college age English counselors and four college Chinese/English speaking counselors. We will need teachers also according to the talents of those that apply. If the teachers don't know Chinese, then we will also need translators to help the English speaking teachers. If you speak both English and Chinese, weespecially want you to apply to teach.