Welcome to our Blessing Hands Blog

Thanks for visiting our website and learning about our charity that helps impoverished children stay in school.

Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Merry Christmas

May your days be filled with peace, hope, and joy this holiday season.

As always, thank you for your sponsorships, scholarships, and support.

From all of us at Blessing Hands

          So far $2,473 has been contributed from 19 people for the #GoodGivingGuide Challenge. We can receive a $5,000 award for our endowment fund at the Blue Grass Foundation, if we get more funds and donors. This is the giving page for Blessing Hands. 

Baozi - Steamed
Stuffed Buns
        You can send checks to Blessing Hands, 106 Timber Lane, Morehead, KY 40351. We will use them for matching online donations. We need more unique donors and donations to rise in our charity's category before theDecember 31st deadline.

         Mr. Li and his wife Mrs. Wang sold "Baozi" and gave their $270 earnings to Blessing Hands. They have blessed our children and the blessings will return to them also. 

Laura Shelton gave a quilt that sold for _100.
Laura Shelton gave a quilt
 that sold for $100 to bless a grandchild.
         Laura Shelton gave a quilt she recently made to Blessing Hands. It was bought by a grandfather for $100 to give to his grandchild for Christmas. Laura donated the $100 to Blessing Hands. 

        Tim Callahan gave us two of his books to sell on behalf of Blessing Hands. This is his Website. Click on the books to get more information about each of them. They would both make great Christmas gifts. I really enjoy reading his books since he is a Christian writer.
 A story a traumatized Vietnam POA who finally comes home after  35 years.
A story of a traumatized Vietnam POW who finally comes home after 35 years. ($18 plus postage)
A love story set in the music scene of Nashville.
A love story set in the music scene of Nashville. ($20 plus postage)
Amazon Smile Christmas Shopping

I was ordering a book last night when I remembered to sign into Smile.Amazon.com so Blessing Hands would receive a donation. I added a bookmark to smile.amazon.com to make it even easier to start my Christmas shopping with AmazonSmile. 

It is an automatic way for you to support Blessing Hands every time you shop on Amazon, at no cost to you. We get the added bonus that Amazon will donate 0.5% of the purchase price to Blessing Hands. Just type in Blessing Hands in the charity selection box. 
Kroger Community Rewards®

Blessing Hands received $663.88 from the Kroger program last year.  Kroger Community Rewards® makes fund-raising easy. All you have to do is shop at Kroger and swipe your Plus Card!
Qianjun is from Yangdi and in the 4th grade. His Father died and his mother remarried. He lives with grandparents.
Qianjun is from Yangshuo and in the 4th grade. His father died and his mother remarried. He lives with grandparents now. Proceeds from the Kroger card can sponsor three children like him a year. You can pick a child to sponsor by clicking on the picture. 

Once signed in, you can enroll or update your Community Rewards choice of Blessing Hands under your account settings. If you did it last year, you still have to enroll again each August. If you live in Kentucky, sign up now and choose Blessing Hands. If you are in another state, choose a good charity that also helps children. 
Blessing Hands, www.blessing-hands.org
 Email: bdcutts@blessing -hands.org 
106 Timber Lane, Morehead, Ky 40351
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Friday, November 20, 2015


Daguang Ling
Daguan Ling
Our Students are Thankful For You

I am Daguan Ling and my Chinese name is 凌大冠 。 I am a senior third student, I have already received Blessing Hands' help for three years. Maybe I can't use any impressive words to express what it is in my heart, but I can say that Blessing Hands is my best home where there are many people with a kind heart, and they only think about us, thinking of our study and our future. 

I think every one who knows about the Blessing Hands should do their effort to provide for it. In the Blessing Hands' home, I can learn not only that people all over the world are one unit, but also everyone has a kind heart. I hope everyone can give another a hand so there is a more beautiful world in future years!

Qinzhou, Guangxi, China
Happy Thanksgiving

We are very thankful for all of you who have given to our #GoodGivingGuide Challenge since November 13th.  From now until December 31, 2015, our friends will come together to raise money for classroom computers for Du'an Special Education School. 

We need YOU to join us. It's a season of unprecedented nonprofit giving, and it's your chance to make a real difference for our students. In honor of Thanksgiving, Christmas and the year end, join many people who make their donations for the year.
If you love children, you will love Blessing Hands.  By showing your love through this Challenge, you help sustain our amazing students, and give so much to our Chinese students.

Join me in supporting our students from now until December 31 2015, by donating online on our special giving page.

If we have the most unique donors and a high amount of funds raised in our category, we can receive a $5,000 award for our endowment fund at Blue Grass Community Foundation.  So far we have 11 donors and have raised $1,100 toward our $13,000 goal. Presently we are 43rd place in Most Unique Donors and 50th place in Most Dollars Raised.

Just now a new matching challenge for $102 was posted from Suzi Deng. Match her donation to double the funds available for computers at Du'an Special Education School. 

Give today to make a difference in a child's life!
Another Student is Thankful

Xuan Huang
Xuan Huang
Dear Blessing Hands,
I am glad to write to you again. With your help, I have finished three terms of study. Thank you for your help.

I am a girl from countryside. Going to school is my dream, but I also have to face my sick father and my poor family. Luckily, I got your help. It really helped me and my family. Thank you.

When I was a child, my father often told me to study, because it could change my life in the future. I never forgot his words. I will study hard, and I will remember your help forever.
                                                          Xuan Huang 璇黄

                                                               Yangshuo, Guilin, China
Blessing Hands | www.blessing-hands.org | blessinghands@gmail.com

106 Timber Lane, Morehead, KY 40351

Friday, November 13, 2015


It has begun! Our #GoodGivingGuide Challenge has activated. You can now make donations on 
Help them be computer literate as well as able to read Braille. Click for more pictures._
Help them be computer literate as well as able to read Braille. Click for more pictures.
Give Computers to Special Education School 

We have a goal of giving 24 computers to Du'an Special Education School. 

Blessing Hands was chosen among 100 Central Kentucky nonprofits to be included in the #GoodGivingGuide Challenge. The challenge starts now and will continue until December 31st. We are raising money for computers.

Ever since we gave 18 computers to the Du'an Special Education School, we have purposed to give them 24 more so all 14 classes can have three computers. These students need to have occupational training so they can get jobs someday. Computers level the employment field and allow student to not be identified as "handicapped". We are all equal online. 

Handicapped in body does not mean handicapped in mind and spirit.
Handicapped in body does not mean handicapped in mind and spirit.

Windows computers can be bought for $500 in China. Our goal is $13,000, since they need software and accessories also. These special students could then Skype with a Sister School's students and even learn English from volunteers online. We were contacted by an international school in China that wants to chat with our students. Their school has lovely Apple computers with big screens. 

Read more and give on our website. Change a school and their students. 
Visit the Du'an Special Education School with us in 2014.
Qinzhou high school students receive new clothes.
Qinzhou high school students
receive new clothes.
160 Qinzhou High School Students Get New Clothes

Through the generosity of a local donor, all of our 160 high school students will have new clothes this semester. Mr. Chen is involved in a charity himself and wanted to help our students who have to pay their own expenses in high school. Thank you so much for your generous gift. 
He also gave coats to Blessing Hands' students. 
The girls especially liked the new clothes.
The girls especially liked the new clothes.
You can help raise money during the #GoodGivingGuide Challenge!

Give a special gift this Christmas or show your thanks during Thanksgiving. On our Good Giving Guide Page,  you can become an ambassador for Blessing Hands. There is a selection that allows you to fundraise for us on your Facebook pagwith a donate button, and even start your own page as a  GoodGivingGuide ambassador to raise money for our students. You can be a crowd-funding partner. 

Help our kids get a $5,000 gift for their endowment fund at the Blue Grass Community Foundation. The charities that raise the most money and have the most donors receive awards in various categories. Even a $10 gift counts by expanding our number of donors. 

We already have over a hundred dollars given on site and a match challenge for $100 from a generous donor. Help us match that donor's gift, and it will go to whatever category you choose on the page. You can sponsor a child of any age. Click on the photos to see more children needing sponsors.

Caizhuan_s father died in 2008 and his mother remarried. After she had a son_ she was not interested in her first family of Caizhuan and his 4 sisters
Caizhuan's father died in 2008 and his mother remarried. After she had a new son, she was not interested in her first family of Caizhuan and his 4 sisters.
Xiumei is lovely_ pretty and little shy_ but studying well in school. Her mother is mentally ill and only her father supports her two brothers and grandmother.
Xiumei is lovely, pretty and a little shy, but studying well in school. Her mother is mentally ill and only her father supports her two brothers and grandmother.

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