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Thanks for visiting our website and learning about our charity that helps impoverished children stay in school.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Make Blessing Hands your favorite charity on eBay.

Favorite Blessing Hands on Ebay.

Personalize your Ebay experience by selecting Blessing Hands!  You can give us a portion of your selling or purchase prices or even sell items for us with the entire selling price going to Blessing Hands.

This Link  will connect us as your favorite charity. Just do a search for Blessing Hands. 

eBay is the only online marketplace that allows charities to keep 100% of funds raised.

Blessing Hands  | www.blessing-hands.org | Bdcutts@blessing-hands.org

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Do you have a Blessing Hands story?

Share Your Stories and Experiences
Contributors? Sponsors? Students? Volunteers? Teachers?  Blessing Hands needs simple comments or stories of your experiences with us. 
We need your stories to share during our #
GoodGiving Campaign starting on "Giving Tuesday, November 28 - December 31st.  This online challenge involves over a 100 Kentucky charities that can receive awards for raising the most contributions or having the most unique contributors during the challenge. 
All you need to do is tell your story or experiences with Blessing Hands on the GreatNonprofits website link. Nine positive reviews before October 31st will earn us a GreatNonprofits seal. We will also have all those great stories to share during the #GoodGiving Challenge. 

Liang Peipei and Betty Cutts
Liang Peipei and Betty Cutts
Peipei's Story
Peipei was a #BlessingHandsChina student from high school through college. These are her words with a little editing from me.
Hello, everyone,
I am Liang Peipei, one of the Blessing Hands students. I have been a Blessing Hands student for 7 years. I still remember when I was a senior 1 student. My sisters and brothers all went to school at the same time. My parents nearly couldn't send us all to school. 
Luckily, I met Ms. Liu, Betty, and Blessing Hands. Ms. Liu was my English teacher. She helped me a lot. Blessing Hands supported me until I graduated from college last year. Now I am teaching English in a school in Qinzhou Prefecture. I am so lucky to be a Blessing Hands student. Thank you, Blessing Hands and all the kind people. It is you who spread love in our world. Now, I can help others who need help. Let's make the world better.
Someday, I may tell my own story. Thanks again for your continued help and support for our students.

Blessings and thanks,                                                                                                    
Betty Cutts

Founder and Director of Blessing Hands  
Give any amount to sponsor a student.

Filipino kids at our  feeding event in 2015
Filipino kids at our feeding event in 2015 
10 Kids in Manila
Steve Hill and his son leave soon for the Philippines. They will take pictures and make movies of the 10 students we are sponsoring at the RiverSprings School in Manila. All the money we raise this year with the GoodGiving Challenge will be given to our Filipino program. Steve will be organizing a feeding street outreach and a basketball event. These kids don't usually get meat but once a week.
Filipino street outreach
Filipino street outreach
outreach in Valenzuela
Outreach in Valenzuela
Kroger will donate 4% of what you buy
We have 15 households that have selected Blessing Hands as their charity through Kroger Community Rewards. We have received $1,433 since 2014. Once you enroll, all you have to do is shop at Kroger with your Plus Card!  
If you live in the Louisville Marketing Area - which includes most of Kentucky, southern Illinois and southern Indiana, go to this Kroger link to enroll. Click on the "Register" tab at the top right and fill out your information. Be sure to include your Kroger Plus card number. 
Scroll over the "Community tab" and click on "Community Rewards". Click on "Enroll" and enter Blessing Hands in the search area or put in our number 75706.
Then go shopping and feed our children as well as yours.