There is good news about Ling's tumor. It was not cancer, but a soft tumor that grews from a nerve. It is a genetic condition, but hopefully the tumor will not come back. I didn't know that she had been operated on three years or more ago. The same doctor came from Guilin to do this operation also, which was a great blessing. He had taken out the most dangerous tumor before and asked her to come back after that operation healed. Of course there was no money, and the other tumor just grew until she could not even speak clearly.
She is able to eat now and is progressing wonderfully. Many people have visited her in the hospital bringing books, flowers, and food. Mr. Xu of the Education Department brought her some money to help with the operation costs, and people here in America have been very generous. The newspapers have picked up the human interest story and spread the news about the friendship of Americans that has made a child in China have a new life. Ling's story truly has developed goodwill between China and America.
Some one even found her mother who had abandoned her when she was five. Communication has been started again between them by telephone, and the mother may visit soon. Ling's father returned from Guangdong where he had gone to work, and he is visiting her daily while he is home.