We had an exciting day today at Adron Doran University Center with our “Pick Me!” display. Linda Barker and I had to beat the rain to set up the 10 posters that illustrate our Blessing Hands story. The sorority sisters of Chi Omega were fantastic help. They knew people by name and got a lot of people to stop at our table during the lunch hour. Chrissy Miller was there the first shift with her bright smile and willing spirit. Danielle Caudill and Caryn Hendy, the service chairs for the sorority, had all the girl’s times scheduled and helped at the table themselves. I will speak about our kids at their meeting next Monday.
We all enjoyed talking about the kids and seeing people respond to their needs. I think the visiting scholars enjoyed their hours the most. Penny Ye and Hongyu Mai, English teachers from Guangxi University, knew how to pronounce the kids names.
Several people asked if we would be there again so they could sign up later when they had money. We have five more days that folks can drop by and pick a student from our “Giving Tree”. We recruited some prospective volunteers too. Thanks also goes to Abby Oney, who filled in at the last moment for a person who was too sick to fulfill her scheduled time.
We have a new Google Checkout button on our blog at http://blessinghands.blogspot.com/. Google is giving nonprofits free service for the year. No service charge will come out of your donation if you use Google Checkout during 2008. Pay pal is also available if you prefer it.
You can pick a student to support too. The students who don’t have sponsors are pictured at the addresses below. You can e-mail me the name of the child that you select at Blessinghands@gmail.com, and I will sign you up as their sponsor. You can then write to them if you like.
Yangshuo High School Students without sponsors: http://picasaweb.google.com/blessinghands/YangshuoHighSchoolStudentsWithoutSponsors
Middle School Students without Sponsors: http://picasaweb.google.com/blessinghands/LowerMiddleSchoolStudentsWithoutSponsors
Primary Students without sponsors: http://picasaweb.google.com/blessinghands/PimaryStudentsWithoutSponsorsSpring2008
I cannot resist showing some of them here.
Mo Chunfeng - $80 High School one semester
HuangYuli - $25 middle school one semester
Wu Jingwang Primary - $10 a semester
Liao Fuzhan College Student - $250 a semester