“Pick Me!”Students
Our “Pick Me!” event is turning out to be a lot of fun. The students in China are getting progress reports and sending letters to be included in our newsletter. The letter below is from a high school senior at No. 1 Higher Middle School in Qinzhou, China. He will soon be taking the all important college entrance exam. His score will determine if he goes to college and what quality of college will accept him. We have 22 Blessing Hands students who presently receive tuition for college. Already this year 30 students in Yangshuo alone have applied for our college tuition help. Here is his letter (with a little editing for spelling and punctuation).
Meg Glancy created a Sister School poster to show some of the activities between schools in Rowan County and the Yangshuo and Qinzhou area of China. The schools are sending boxes of gifts once a year and pen pal exchange letters twice a semester.
Meg is planning to attend college soon herself. She loves to make scrapbooks. We had a great time making posters together at my home. She donated not only her time but materials. Her mother, who is also an artist, helped her make the dogwood flowers.
During our “Pick Me!” event you will be getting progress reports, but later the mail will not be so often. Please don’t think we will snow you under with news like this all the time. Right now we are recruiting sponsors for our kids for the fall semester. If you are getting the newsletter by mail and would like to have it online, please let us know your e-mail address. If you are getting it on line and would rather have it by regular mail, please let us know that too. We always like to save a stamp, but we don’t want to cut anyone out of participation. Zhu fu zhi shou is the Chinese Romanized word for Blessing Hands. You may see that on our e-mail. Since half of our readers get the letter in Chinese, we like to make them understand who we are too. It is still us, Blessing Hands.
Blessings and Joy,
Betty Cutts, founder and president of Blessing Hands.