Matthew Liu talking to Qinzhou high school students. |
Student Report
Most of our students are in high school. Matthew Liu, one of our board members, enjoys meeting them each summer. We have about 191 high school students presently in Qinzhou, Yangshuo, and Du'an in Guangxi province, and more in Guizhou and Gansu Provinces. We have volunteer administrators in all these areas. That is why our management costs this year are 5% and 95% goes for programs.
Our 107 primary and 19 lower middle school students are in four different provinces and represent Yao, Miao, Buyi, and Zhuang minorities as well as Han majority students. Most of our students are from single parent or disabled families. They are chosen by their schools and principals through an application process. Sponsorship is the core of our charity.Write us to receive a special
child that needs you as their sponsor.
Financial Report
Our wonderful donors gave $130,350 during the 2014-2015 school year. We spent $118,430 on programs serving students, their families and schools. We had a surplus of $6,378 to start the new 2015-16 school year.