Our team of volunteer teachers and translators had a great experience at Anlong No. 1 High School in Guizhou Province this summer. We were welcomed like movie stars with flowers and lines of clapping students at the entrance gate. Theo, the young red-headed son of our music teacher, was especially celebrated with pictures and requests for autographs.
Our six key teachers where assisted by seven translators and other volunteers. We taught the regular English classes in the morning for three days and taught the teachers in the afternoons. The last two days we had our own Blessing Hands students in a relaxed fun curriculum.
It was a treat for the students to have real native English speakers teaching their English classes. In Chinese schools, the teachers change classes instead of the students, so they pile up their books on their personal desks. The 50+ students never meet other students since their class moves through the three years of high school in the same room. I sometimes used a microphone to be heard. Each class had a PowerPoint display and blackboard.
We had a fantastic month long trip to China. We will share more we did in later emails.
Students needing sponsors at Anlong No. 1 High School
Give the gift of education by clicking on this PayPal link.
Re-Enroll in Kroger Rewards
We have received $455 from Kroger this year because you have shopped with your Kroger Card and listed Blessing Hands as your Community Rewards choice in Kentucky. Kroger Community Rewards® makes fund-raising easy. All you have to do is shop at Kroger and swipe your Plus Card!
How to ENROLL OR RE-ENROLL in Kroger Community Rewards.
You can enroll at any time, but everyone has to re-enroll during the month of August. This only works for Blessing Hands in Kentucky because they are community based rewards. If you live in another Kroger State, you can choose another good charity in your area.
Amazon Smile
Amazon Smile is a website operated by Amazon that lets customers enjoy the same convenient shopping features as on Amazon.com. The difference is that when customers shop on AmazonSmile (smile.amazon.com), the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to the charitable organization selected by the customer. Support Blessing Hands by starting your shopping at smile.amazon.com. $16 has been given so far this year. |
Betty Cutts for Blessing Hands.