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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Taubu School Build


Movie of Progress on Taubu School in Myanmar

The narrative is in the local language which we have not translated.

Blessing Hands is supplying the materials, but the villagers are building their own school. You can help them furnish the school with desks, tables, benches, and solar electricity. They still need a wooden floor and to petition off separate classrooms. The school is built by hand with no electrical tools.

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The school will serve about 91 students from kindergarten to middle school. High school students have to board in a larger town.

They cleared the jungle and poured concrete footers. The civil war in Myanmar makes things harder to do and materials more expensive.

Everyone worked to level the school building site. Women carried dirt and brought water and food to the workers. The whole village got involved.

A sponsor and his family visit their

Blessing Hands student in China.

Daryl Barron, his 13-year-old son Eli, and his wife Wei recently visited their sponsored Blessing Hands student in Longsheng County, Guilin Prefecture in the Guangxi Province of China. Pan (潘) will be in the 8th grade at her middle school next year. She has been a Blessing Hands student since 2021. The Barron family are pictured with Pan and her mother in the picture below. Pan got off school to go to supper with her mother and the Barron family.

Daryl Barron said his family's visit with Pan's family was the highlight of their Chinese trip. Pan's mother, uncle, aunt, and grandmother are in the picture below. Her grandmother is wearing traditional Yao dress and has not cut her hair in 18 years. There are 6 in Pan's family. The Barron family now wants to sponsor Pan's younger sister as well.

You can sponsor a student in Longsheng also. Half of our 30 students in the Longsheng Program do not have sponsors. Primary students need $250 (1800 yuan) and middle school students need $310 (2250 yuan) a year.

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Jessie Mansfield (L) and Betty Cutts (R) manned our Blessing Hands table at the Morehead Spring Festival recently. We collected 4 sheets of people who signed up to receive our newsletter and $71 in donations. Most of all we enjoyed meeting old friends and neighbors. We ran out of brochures and children's postcards but will have more for the next festival.

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